Disorders of our body’s immune system are frustratingly complex and affect the lives of more than 20 million Americans. Finalizing a diagnosis with the range of symptoms that are possible in these diseases is a complex process. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune problems noted on Medline
Kitchens, Boxes and Water Bottles: How long can a virus survive on common surfaces?
Just the Facts The staying power of COVID-19 on daily-use items has raised many questions about how long viruses can live outside of our bodies. This blog uses current evidence, never hearsay, to find answers. Fortunately, on this topic there is a helpful study conducted by the NIH Infectious
The Nano-Sized Invader: Corona Virus
If you weren’t familiar with the Corona virus before, you know it now. Let’s do a round up of facts we know about this invader. This nano-sized virus is nimble, travels very easily, and has capability to change. It needs human hosts in order to live. Without live human cells it cannot reproduce
A Virus on the Move
Visit our dedicated COVID-19 information page Media coverage on viruses, like the flu or the novel corona virus (Covid-19), is only helpful to a point. When you become concerned for your own health you need expert resources with clear directions. Shared Decisions brings you a composite of key